errormsg.1013= Xmarks can't properly merge changes. Try going into Xmarks Settings to the Advanced tab and click on the "Upload" or "Download" button to fix the problem.
msg.syncFileMissing=The remote file seems to have disappeared.\nDo you want to make the current set of bookmarks the master set?
msg.invalidcredentials=Your username and password appear to be invalid.\nPlease check them.
msg.upgraderequired=The server no longer supports the version of Xmarks you have installed.\nDo you want to upgrade now?
msg.upgradeAvailable=A newer version of Xmarks is available.\nDo you want to upgrade now?
msg.emergencyupgrade=Due to technical difficulties, the version of Xmarks you have installed is no longer supported. Would you like to view information about resolving this problem?
msg.initialsync=This appears to be the first time synchronizing.\nA remote synchronization file already exists.\nDo you want to use the local or remote file as the master?
msg.syncShortFile=Xmarks has noticed that your current bookmark set is significantly smaller than the last synchronized set. Are you sure you want to synchronize?